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Justin Wood

Avalanche Alliance Awards $45,000 to Avalanche Centers to Support Motorized Areas

Photo: Heather Thamm from Chugach Avalanche Center

Avalanche centers across the U.S., while partially funded by the USFS, rely on strong community support for their efforts to present the most up-to-date and valuable information for backcountry travelers. Avalanche Centers fund and manage remote weather stations, employ forecasters to track and interpret field and weather data, and increasingly play a leading role in education efforts for underserved populations in the backcountry.

This year, the Avalanche Alliance awarded $45,000 to 7 avalanche centers making long-term impacts for backcountry motorized users by supporting projects serving high-use motorized areas, creating infrastructure to support forecasting, and getting forecasters on the ground.

Learn more about each project:

Bridger-Teton Avalanche Center – plans to upgrade weather stations in the Mt Coffin and Mt. Deadman areas. This upgrade will provide essential wind data to accurately forecast avalanche data in the Wyoming and Salt River ranges.

Chugach Avalanche Center– Funding will support the installation of an avalanche beacon checker in the Lost Lake zone of the Chugach National Forest to address several tragic avalanche fatalities in this area and further support the community that has been requesting the installation of an avalanche beacon checker.

Hatcher Pass Avalanche Center -plans to install a new weather station and webcam to monitor conditions in the Hatcher Pass area, a popular motorized zone currently lacking weather resources.

Gallatin National Forest Avalanche Center (GNFAC) -plans to continue avalanche forecasting activities in the island park and expand information to include avalanche danger rating.

Payette Avalanche Center (PAC) will replace the current weather station on Granite Mountain and install a second weather station to serve the predominant motorized riding zones within the Payette National Forest.

Utah Avalanche Center plans to increase weather station coverage in the Logan area and SE Idaho. These weather stations will give motorized users accurate snow and wind data for decision-making and make the avalanche forecast more accurate.

Central Oregon Avalanche Center (COAC) will provide two forecasts/advisories a week for Paulina Peak / Newberry Caldera, an area heavily utilized by the motorized community.

Funding for these grants was made possible by the Avalanche Alliance has partnered with KLIM, Lynx, Marlon, Fly Racing, Polaris, Seat Concepts, Ortovox, Jon Ferrian’s LiveLARGE Universe, Camso, Starting Line Products, Ice Age, Zbroz, The Mountain Lab, Next Level Riding Clinics, Mountain Skillz, KC711, Iron Dog Team 11, SnoWest Magazine, Iron Dog, SnowTech Magazine. Learn more about this year’s sweepstakes and check out the incredible prizes.

About Avalanche Alliance: The Avalanche Alliance’s mission is to raise avalanche awareness, facilitate training, and improve backcountry safety for motorized users. With a full spectrum of focuses ranging from sponsoring beacon check stations to supporting avalanche training educators, Avalanche Alliance is at the forefront of avalanche safety improvement. The ultimate goal is to have all motorized backcountry users adequately trained. Learn more at:

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